


  • Direct presence within the customers ecosystem in Belgium and Luxembourg

  • 30 years of experience in medical x-ray imaging & therapy, medical gasses and turn key projects.

  • Regulations, best practices and medical know how


  • Dismantling of various kinds of medical equipment

  • Relocation of heavy X-ray equipment

  • Second life

Architectural services

  • Site surveys and documentation

  • Architectural/Interior Design

  • Engineering studies

  • 3d visualization, commercial material

  • Tendering

  • X-ray protection

  • Interior finishing

  • Equipment installation

  • Mechanical, electrical and structural realisation



We’re a  family-owned business with more than 30 years of experience in medical solutions.

With our expanding team and complementary know-how, we’d like to  make your life easier with the things we love doing.

Digital 3d scan

We 3d scan the space in a matter of minutes. This allows us to register all possible dimensions. Who knows what information might be crucial later on.

Case:  Angio room

360° Site survey
By leveraging the latest site surveying techniques from the architectural field, we strive to take every detail into account.

Model & Design (2D/3D DWG)

From a site survey to a fully fledged design. Our workflow ensures an integrated single point of reference. Various types of CAD drawings can be provided.

Commercial Visualization

In addition, commercial material in the form of images or live walkthroughs can be produced which will give a customer a detailed look into the result.

Our services 

Integrated turn key solutions

We  prepare  you  room for

the future, from fist contact

to hand over in all his aspects.

Fast and accurate results

Our workflow is faster than

traditional Depending on the

demands our services are

planned as clockwork.

Sense of urgency  and

quality are  our core values.

Cost efficient solution

Saving time and coordination

cost by having an integrated

framework where conflicts

can be avoided in advance.

Medical knowledge on site

We implement the best

practices in a medical

environment, respecting

the specific needs of

healthcare profesionals.

Thinking ahead

Preparation is the key

from simulating option

to avoiding costly conflicts.

More information allows

for better insights and

a better project.

Commercial visualization

We also provide tailored

3d experiences (3d renders

virtual walkthroughs, panorama’s, animations) to make

an offer more competitive. 

challenge & solution


Coordination between surveyor, technician, project manager and contractor can be challenging. Information can be lacking, outdated or inaccurate. Conflicts arise due to the lack of a single source of reference.

Managing risk

Providing an offer for an unknown site condition evolves managing risk. The goal should be to limit the number of unknowns to accurately be able to estimate and plan a project.

Tight timings

Tight deadlines ensure that things must move fast. We should know as much as possible as fast as possible. On site coordination and travel time should be limited to strictly necessary.

challenge & solution

360° Surveying

We make a complete digital scan and 360° tour of the space in a matter of minutes. Allowing you to virtually revisit the space as many times as necessary and hold virtual construction meetings and visits.

Digital Model

Our survey is transformed into an accurate integrated  3D model of the site, allowing us to evaluate everything from access routes to conflicts between structure, ducts and equipment. A single source of truth for all subsequent phases dynamically providing feedback on quantities, surfaces and design variants.


Our 3D approach ensures that we can easily produce variants, evaluate complex clearances, dynamically extract quantities  and produce immersive marketing material for a convincing offer.